Spring 2020 Has Been Buzzing! – Made By Bees

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Spring 2020 Has Been Buzzing!

We've had a busy spring here at the hives 

Bee hives destroyed by bear

A hungry bear visited the apiary and broke into two of our hives! While this was frustrating for both the bees and their keeper, it is also part of the process of keeping bees in a natural environment. However, to prevent future visits, we moved the hives closer to the farmhouse. On Mother’s Day, my family presented me with the makings of an electric fence—it was quite the (fun) activity! (#beekeeperlife, am I right?) Don’t worry, it won’t hurt Winnie badly, but will deter him/her from future break-ins.


Spring time, is swarming time

Bees swarming

I mention this now as last Thursday I witnessed one. This is quite a common phenomenon, but not at all common for a beekeeper to actually observe first hand. I stood in awe of what was happening, and although I was a tiny bit upset to lose half of one of my hives I was fascinated by the energy and noise around me. Bees tend to swarm in the spring for a number of reasons, but mainly because the hive is bursting with too many bees and they run out of space.


Spring is the time for planting

Pollen Nation educational activities

We are excited about our “Pollen Nation” educational campaign currently running on our Facebook and Instagram. As a parent of three grown children, I can sympathize with all of the families suddenly taking on new roles and changes to routine. I decided I wanted to offer a weekly educational activity that might help you fill up a few of those school day hours. This campaign helps to teach kids (and adults) about important environmental issues in a fun and interactive way. It’s running until the end of June, and if you have tried one of our activities we would love you to tag us so we can admire and share your work!

Let's continue to create a habitat to protect our bees. Contact us today!

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