Honeycomb Frame
Made by BeesHoneycomb from Hive to Table
Delivered to you straight from our beehives!
This 17 ¾" x 6 ¼" wooden raw honey frame will satisfy all your honey cravings. Packed into hexagonal-shaped beeswax cells, our honeycomb is bursting with goodness. The whole comb (which is slightly chewy) is perfectly edible.
Carefully packaged in a beautiful wooden box for safekeeping (lid not as shown, there is no logo on the new lids).
** Sometimes, the honeycomb breaks and comes apart during shipping. Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds if this happens to you.
100% raw, pure, Canadian honeycomb (as this product is fresh from our hives it may contain traces of organic debris).
Serving Suggestions:
Hand cut in small batches; this honeycomb comes directly from hive to table. Slice, spoon or dunk, honeycomb is safe to eat, wax and all. Enjoy the delicate taste of honeycomb on its own or enhance other flavours. Dunk into a cup of tea or spread over hot buttered toast, muffins, porridge and pancakes. Use as a striking accompaniment to any cheese or charcuterie board. Pair with soft cheeses like brie, ricotta, goat’s cheese or feta, compliment nutty and salty flavours in Parmigiano Reggiano or contrast a sharp cheddar, gruyere or blue. For dinner parties, honeycomb pairs brilliantly with sparkling wine or Riesling.
Store at room temperature and it will last—no sell-by date. Honeycomb is safe to freeze.
Honey is not recommended for infants under the age of 12 months.
Did you know?
Honeybees perform about 80% of all pollination worldwide? One out of three bites of food comes from a bee-pollinated plant.