Bee Advocacy, Bee Talks and Lunch & Learns

Come explore with us!
At Made by Bees, we advocate ‘taking small steps together’ to save our bees, the planet, and your food. Learn about how we care for our bees, and how you can, too.
We offer a variety of demonstrations and workshops and are available for speaking engagements from community to corporate events and talks with your employees and clients.
We also have a series of educational workshops for the elementary school level that are designed to tie into the Ontario curriculum.
Scroll down to learn more about what each of these workshops covers and contact us to book a bee talk or lunch and learn today.
Bee Talks and Lunch & Learns
Our Bee Talks and Lunch and Learns cover:
- Learn all about how bee colonies flourish and their critical role in global food security
- How we care for our bees
- How we harvest ‘fruits from the hive’ - honey, honeycomb, beeswax
- How we advocate protecting our bees from habitat destruction and pesticide use
- How you can implement small changes to make the world safer for bees and humans alike!
Intro to Backyard Beekeeping
Our introduction to keeping and raising bees in your own backyard includes:
- Why backyard beekeeping? From a happier garden (and planet) to your own sweet honey, we discuss the benefits of becoming a beekeeper!
- Can I be a beekeeper? Let’s consider the time, financial, and space commitments you will be making (which may not be as much as you expect!).
- How do I get started? We give you advice on first steps and answer your questions about raising bees.
- Further resources - we leave you with a list of great resources to guide you on your next step to becoming a backyard beekeeper!
Pollinator Friendly Gardening
Our Pollinator-friendly gardening talk includes:
- The benefits of having a pollinator-friendly garden (happier flowers and vegetables!).
- An overview of Ontario plants for bees and other pollinators.
- Avoiding habitat destruction and pesticide use.
- How to build a “bee hotel” and other ways to make your garden a pollinator-friendly haven.
Summer Camp Day Workshop
Our hands-on full day and half-day workshops are the perfect fit for sweetening up your summer camp. We work with you to customize a selection of activities to suit your group, perfect for kids 5 and up, and run by an OCT qualified educator.
Elementary School Workshops, K-6
Our elementary education workshops involve an informative and interactive grade-appropriate lesson designed by an OCT certified educator with the curriculum in mind. We currently offer three workshops.
o Kindergarten: Approximately 40min. Students will have a chance to get hands-on with a variety of beekeeper supplies, dress up as a beekeeper, and take a peek inside an educational hive. They will learn about beekeeping, the different products we use from bees, get to participate in a honey tasting, and will learn how they can protect our sweet friends!
o Primary: Approximately 1 hr. Students will have a chance to get hands-on with a variety of beekeeper supplies, dress up as a beekeeper, and take a peek inside an educational hive. They will learn about the lifecycle of bees, how honey is made, and how their choices can impact the ability of pollinators to survive. They will also get to participate in a honey tasting!
o Junior: Approximately 1hr. Students will have a chance to get hands-on with a variety of beekeeper supplies, and take a peek inside an educational hive. They will be introduced to the threats that impact pollinators in Canada, their importance to our food supply, and will develop strategies that they can use to protect pollinators, focusing on waste reduction/plastic alternatives and cultivating pollinator-friendly spaces in their community. They will receive a small pack of pollinator-friendly seeds that can be planted at school or at home.
*Due to COVID-19 our programs are being adjusted. Please contact us for further information.